Od 7. do 11. studenog 2022. u Patrasu u Grčkoj održavaju se transnacionalne edukacije i radionice za digitalne kustose pod nazivom "NEXT-MUSEUM: Stimulatiting digitization at small and medium-sized museum throught the enhancment od the Digital Curator" u okviru Erasmus+Programme, KA2022- Cooperation partnership on VET. Narodni muzej Zadar jedan je od partnera u projektu u koji su uključeni i Fondazione Marche Cultura i Universita Politechnica delle Marche iz Italije, Diputacion Provincial De Alicante i Inercia Digital iz Španjolske. Glavni ciljevi programa su omogućiti temeljne i ključne kompetencije za djelovanje digitalnog kustosa na međunarodnoj razini sačinjenih od profesionalaca. Nadalje, razmjena znanja i iskustava iz sektora i ključnih poticaja za razvoj novih ideja. Razmjena iskustava, primjera dobre prakse i konkretnih primjera među sudionicima. Kroz timski rad olakšati sudionicima identifikaciju snaga i slabosti i omogućiti stvaranje i širenje uspješnih strategija kroz implementaciju u vlastitim institucijama na način svojstven pojedinoj instituciji. U timu koji zastupa Narodni muzej Zadar sudjeluju djelatnice Ivana Dražić, Koraljka Alavanja, Josipa Kero i Natali Čop te pridružena članica iz partnerske ustanove Gradske knjižnice Zadar Matea Bakmaz. U utorak 8. studenog kustosice Ivana Dražić i Koraljka Alavanja prezentirale su studiju slučaja i primjere digitalizacije u Narodnom muzeju Zadar, a u srijedu, 9. studenog prezentirati će postojeće i ideje za implementaciju gamefikacije kulturne baštine u Narodnom muzeju Zadar.
From November 7 to 11, 2022, transnational education and workshops for digital curators are being held in Patras, Greece, under the name "NEXT-MUSEUM: Stimulating digitization at small and medium-sized museum throught the enhancement of the Digital Curator" within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme, KA2022- Cooperation partnership on VET. National Museum Zadar is one of the partners in the project, which also includes Fondazione Marche Cultura and Universita Politechnica delle Marche from Italy, Diputacion Provincial de Alicante and Inercia Digital from Spain. The key objectives of the implementation of the transnational training & workshop for Digital Curators are to provide a solid base of key competences to act as Digital Curators to an international audience made of professionals. Also to integrate transnational peer-to-peer knowledge and experience exchanges in the sector / crucial stimulus for the development of new ideas. To share between participants successful practices and use cases and to facilitate participants to identify strengths and weaknesses. (teamwork) and to allow participants to generate and spread successful strategies adoptable by all parties in their sending institutions, in their own declination. The team representing National Museum Zadar includes employees Ivana Dražić, Koraljka Alavanja, Josipa Kero and Natali Čop, as well as Matea Bakmaz, an associate member from the partner institution of the Zadar City Library. On Tuesday, November 8, curators Ivana Dražić and Koraljka Alavanja presented a case study and examples of digitization in the National Museum Zadar and on Wednesday, November 9, they will present existing and ideas for the implementation of gamification of cultural heritage in the National Museum Zadar.